Last updated on 10 October 2024
(Homepage reload)

Welcome to DACO's website.
35 years ago (!), on September 7, 1989 to be exact, DACO Products was officially registered as a small business company, after having already been active for several years in the design of decals as a hobby...
It all started when I designed and “printed” my very first decals when I was 15-16 years old (over 40 years ago). Using a special copier that could not only print black, but also white, yellow, red and blue as “solid colors”, I was able to create my own emblems of then still new Belgian Air Force F-16A's, markings that did not exist on the market at that time. And after I entered the model at a local modelling competition, I had so many requests for these decals that I started looking for a screen printer who knew how to print decal, and I found one in Brussels (who was specialized in printing decals for the bike industry) ... Artwork was created with paper and Chinese ink on a larger scale and then reduced by Xerox photocopiers to scale. Several years later, this stage was replaced by large black studios with special cameras to make the screen films for each colour, until the purchase of the first Apple, a MacIntosh IIfx, allowing films to be made directly from artwork files.
35 years later and I'm about to release the long awaited 1/32 Fouga Magister kit, together by several highly detailed Belgian Air Force F-16 decals - making the circle round...
I never imaged that kind of progress 35 years ago ...

This website works with an easy Shopping Cart system.
Each item has got its own order button on the respective page, or on the complete catalogue list.
You can access and finalize the Shopping Basket via the upper left frame - with green background. The system gives you automaticly the full parcel weight and the various shipping options & charges when you select your country. Complete your order with your prefered options & shipping details and click the 'send your order' button...
PS: the shopping cart system will NOT function when you use Google Translate on the whole website ...
(use then a separate tab on your browser)
A complete catalogue list of all products
with their prices can be found here
The 'Payment info' page can be accessed here

Have you always been looking around for those nowhere-to-be-found DACO C-130H or Seaking decals? Or even USAFE F-15 and A10 decals? Or the entire Sabena range? Search no further! After a thorough scouring in every corner of the DACO office, a very nice selection of the very-very last remaining stock of long-sold-out decals emerged.
Use THIS and THIS link to access to the dedicated page
(There NO access to this list from any other page)

Request to receive the DACO Newsletter
(you need to complete the "shopping cart" too to send this request)

!! NEW !!
A first small batch of the 1/32 Fouga Magister kit is ... was available !
250 "white cover" boxes were produced especially for the 35th anniversary of DACO Products in September, but they are all gone.
You can prescribe for the next batch later this year by going to the Fouga order page

Two new decal sheets are now available:
(click on the respective image to go to the dedicated page)

you can order these decals here and here

1/24 scale kit
The Turkey's drone that is still 'annoying' Russian forces in Ukraine and fuel depots in Russia.
An exclusive and limited production run of this kit from TAN Model for DACO Products.
They can be ordered here

On popular demand the long time sold-out Belgian (T)F-104G Starfighter decals have been reprinted.
They can be ordered here

Now available:
'Uncovering the MDD F-15 A/B Eagle"

And by popular demand:
'Uncovering the Lockheed-Martin F-16 A/B/C/D
has been reprinted too!
Same pictures as the original publication of 2001, but with an improved layout

Orders on both titles can be done here and here

is known as the best decal setting solution in Europe!
Even modellers outside Europe have recognized it as being one
of the superior decalsettings available.
Our product eliminates the use of a "Sol" or a "Set"
resulting in a no-guessing product with amazing results every

DACO Decalsetting solution is available
in three strengths:
* "Soft" for thin
decals and easy panel line applications
* "Medium" for
normal decal use
* "Strong" for
thick and heavy decal work
Each bottle contains about 30ml of
Decal Setting Solution (good for a few years) and cost 7.50 euro
Buy the complete set now
for 17.50 euro!

We have done 25 different blister cards
with highly detailed AIRCRAFT
FRIDGE MAGNETS that include 3 different aircraft magnets per
They can be placed on your fridge, desk light, car, or anything
else metallic!
Price is only 7,50 euro for each blistercard

Besides the DACO decal
range, which addresses only Belgian Air Force markings, two other
decal ranges are also available from Danny Coremans:
ASTRA Decals: include other Air Force
schemes, with several USAFE and other European Air Force aircraft.
SKYLINE Decals: are an inclusive
series for commercial aircraft.
Here's what you should do:
Click first on the various ranges in the upper frame.
DACO books:
for all our specialized books
DACO Decals:
for Belgian Air Force schemes
Astra Decals:
for other Air Force schemes i.e. USAFE
Astra Resin:
for a nice range of Armament in Resin
Skyline Decals:
for Civil Airliner schemes
Skyline Models:
for Civil Airliner kits
New Releases:
for the most current products
Other DACO Items:
Suppliers addresses and other Products, ...
The left frame will show
the links to the actual items.

DACO Products - Danny Coremans
Joe Englishstraat 46 - 2140 Antwerpen - Belgium

visitors until
100.000 hits @ April 2003
250.000 hits @ December 2007
500.000 hits @ January 2014
515.700 @ June 2014 (new website)
600.000 hits @ October 2015
750.000 hits @ March 2022

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only this welcome page and no frames):
please click
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